Cutmaster 35mm Plasma Mesin Cutting

SKU : CutMaster35
Cutmaster 35mm dari Thermal Dynamics adalah mesin plasma cutter berkinerja tinggi yang dirancang untuk aplikasi pemotongan logam industri. Dengan kemampuan memotong logam hingga ketebalan 35mm, mesin ini ringan, portabel, dan sangat cocok untuk kebutuhan pemotongan plasma profesional. Alat ini ideal bagi tukang las profesional, fabrikator, dan pengrajin logam yang mengutamakan presisi dan keandalan.

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Aksesoris Cutmaster

The CUTMASTER 35 manual plasma is a high duty cycle, inverter based system specifically designed for heavy duty applications requiring superior cutting performance. The unit is specifically designed to serve the 35mm market with a high duty cycle of 80% in a 40°C ambient environment. Operating from a 400V three phase supply, the design incorporates features such as auto-pilot re- start, True Guard roll bar and the heavy duty SL100 Torch®for superior performance. The unit can also be used for heavy duty gouging applications when fitted with the correct torch consumables. These features combined with a three year limited warranty make this the ideal unit for and heavy duty fabrication, construction and mining applications.

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